No Matter What


Speak as Megan
Speak as Nick
Megan: Is everything okay?

Nick: Not really. I just got out of my evaluation meeting with my manager. He criticized a lot of my work and told me many things that I need to improve on.

Megan: You are a new employee, so this your first evaluation, right?

Nick: That's right.

Megan: Let me give you some advice. Don't take the employee evaluation too seriously. The manager is going to tell you things to improve no matter what. Even if you did perfect work, they will always criticize something.

Nick: Really?

Megan: Yes. So, pay attention to what your manager says and try to improve, but don't worry too much about it. The manager will even criticize the most senior staff members.

Nick: Thanks for telling me that. It makes me feel a lot better.

Megan: No problem. I went through the same thing when I was a new employee here.