Come Hell or High Water


Speak as Klay
Speak as Erin
Klay: Why do you keep looking at the weather report?

Erin: I'm worried that it is going to rain tonight.

Klay: Why do you care if it rains tonight?

Erin: I have tickets to the baseball game. I'm taking my son after work. He is so excited.

Klay: Well, I heard that it is probably going to rain. Are you going to skip the game if it rains?

Erin: No way. My son has been looking forward to this for weeks now. We are going to the game come hell or high water.

Klay: Good. Sometimes, it is fun to watch a game in the rain. Just wear ponchos or raincoats and you will be fine.

Erin: I will do that if it rains, but I am still holding out hope that the weather will be nice.