Take to the Next Level


Speak as Carrie
Speak as Trisha
Carrie: Our sales team has been doing an excellent job this past year, but we need to take our performance to the next level.

Trisha: Are you serious? This year, we have increased sales by 25%. Do you think we can do even better?

Carrie: I honestly believe that it is possible for us to take it to the next level. I think we can increase sales by 40% if we really push ourselves.

Trisha: I'm not sure that is possible. We are already working as hard as we can.

Carrie: I know everybody has been trying their best, but I think there is still room for us to get better.

Trisha: I understand, but please do not push the team too hard. Some people might not be able to handle it.

Carrie: Don't worry. I'm going to bring it up at the meeting today and ask everyone to share their ideas about how we can improve even more.

Trisha: That's a good idea.