Hang out


Speak as Pete
Speak as Greg
Pete: Do you want to hang out at my house this weekend?

Greg: Actually, I already have plans to hang out with Ben at the park. Do you want to come with us?

Pete: Sure. That sounds fun. What are you planning to do at the park?

Greg: Just relax, eat some food, and play some soccer.

Pete: That sounds perfect. What time are you going?

Greg: I'm not sure yet. I'll call Ben now and figure it out.

Pete: I have a dentist appointment at 10 am, but I am free all day after that.

Greg: That won't be a problem. We probably won't meet until lunch time.

Pete: Cool. Well, I have to go now. Message me the time and place after you talk to Ben.

Greg: Okay. I'll let you know.