To Scram


Speak as Tony
Speak as Nick
Tony: Scram! Get out of here! Go away!

Nick: Why are you yelling at the birds?

Tony: I hate pigeons so much. I don't like when they come near me. So, I yell at them to make them go away.

Nick: Why do you hate birds so much? Do you think they are going to touch you or attack you?

Tony: No, I don't think they are dangerous or that they are going to attack me. They just creep me out. They are dirty and ugly creatures.

Nick: It must be hard for you to live in the city because of all the pigeons.

Tony: I love everything about living in the city except the pigeons. If I could snap my fingers and get rid of all the pigeons, I would do it in an instant.

Nick: You're such a character.