Be Tight


Speak as Trisha
Speak as Ryan
Trisha: Do you know Scott?

Ryan: Yes. Scott and I are tight. We have been good friends since high school.

Trisha: I didn't know you two knew each other from high school.

Ryan: We met when I moved here during my second year of high school, and we have been tight since then.

Trisha: That's cool because Scott and I are dating now.

Ryan: Did you say that you are dating Scott? Since when?

Trisha: It's a new thing.

Ryan: That's great. I'm happy for you guys. I think you two will make a good couple, but I can't believe that he didn't tell me.

Trisha: I told him not to tell anybody at first. I wanted to make sure it was real before we started telling a lot of people.

Ryan: I get it.