Be Ripped


Speak as Pete
Speak as Nick
Pete: I ran into Ben yesterday at the gym.

Nick: I saw him last week at the park. He looks ripped these days.

Pete: I know. He is very ripped. He has been working out every day for the past six months.

Nick: Why is he suddenly so into fitness these days?

Pete: He told me that he is trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Nick: Also, he probably wants to look his best because he wants to find a new girlfriend.

Pete: I thought he was dating Sharon.

Nick: He broke up with Sharon like nine months ago. Didn't you hear about that?

Pete: No, I didn't. I don't pay a lot of attention to that kind of stuff. Anyway, now it makes more sense why he is working out so much.

Nick: He definitely wants to look good because he is single again.