An Epic Fail


Speak as Devin
Speak as Angela
Devin: Did you see Mark try to do a backflip off the diving board?

Angela: I saw it. He landed right on his face. That must have hurt so badly.

Devin: It was an epic fail. I laughed so hard when I saw it.

Angela: Weren't you worried that he hurt himself?

Devin: Not at all. Mark is an incredibly tough guy. I knew he was okay. Plus, he does crazy stuff like that all the time.

Angela: Really? What else has he done?

Devin: Well, last year, he tried to jump his bike over a car using a ramp. He ended up falling off his bike and breaking his arm.

Angela: Why does he do crazy stuff like that?

Devin: I'm not sure, but he has been doing that kind of stuff since I met him.