To make matters worse…


Speak as Erin
Speak as Stephen
Erin: I'm having an awful day.

Stephen: I'm sorry to hear that. What's going on?

Erin: A pipe burst at my house this morning, and now, there is water all over my house.

Stephen: Are you serious? Why are you at work?

Erin: I turned off all the water at my house, so the water is not coming out anymore. I called the plumber to come and fix it, but he cannot come until this afternoon.

Stephen: What a disaster!

Erin: To make matters worse, I am supposed to have my daughter's birthday party at our house tomorrow. But now that is impossible. So, I will need to find a new place to have her party.

Stephen: You should have her party at the arcade. There are many games for the kids and pizza. It is simple for you, and the kids will love it.

Erin: That's a great idea.