In all likelihood…


Speak as Kyle
Speak as Pete
Kyle: I heard that you are going to start your own business. Is that true?

Pete: I was thinking about it, but I'm not so sure now. In all likelihood, I won't start my own business.

Kyle: Why not?

Pete: After I started planning and budgeting, I just realized that it was way more work than I originally expected. Also, I was more than a little worried about failing.

Kyle: Don't you have confidence in yourself and your idea?

Pete: I do, but it is a very competitive market. If I fail, then I will lose a lot of money. I have two young children to take care of, so I don't think that it is worth the risk.

Kyle: That makes sense. Once you are married and have children, it is harder to take risks.

Pete: It's a little sad but true.