If you ask me…


Speak as Devin
Speak as Suzy
Devin: Our manager still hasn't made a decision regarding the project. Every day that passes we are losing valuable time. What is he doing?

Suzy: He is so indecisive. He has trouble making any difficult decision.

Devin: If you ask me, he shouldn't be in a management position.

Suzy: I agree with you. I don't think he has the skills or personality to be an effective manager.

Devin: Do you think the director realizes this?

Suzy: I don't think she does. We always get all of the work done on time even though our manager slows us down.

Devin: I wish she knew. If we had an effective manager, we could do an even better job.

Suzy: If you ask me, somebody should tell her.

Devin: Not me. I don't want to get involved in something like that.