As a matter a fact…


Speak as Rachel
Speak as Megan
Rachel: Make sure you finish preparing for your presentation by tomorrow. We will practice tomorrow.

Megan: Thanks, but you don't need to remind me.

Rachel: I hate to say it, but I feel like I need to remind you because you always forget about work and deadlines. Have you even started preparing for the presentation?

Megan: As a matter of fact, I've already finished preparing.

Rachel: Really? That's great. I'm sorry for doubting you. I shouldn't have done that.

Megan: It's okay. Also, I didn't mean to be defensive earlier. I know that I have forgotten a few things in the past. But these days, I am working hard to improve my time management and organization.

Rachel: Good for you. I look forward to hearing your presentation tomorrow when we practice together.