Run out of


Speak as Angela
Speak as Ryan
Angela: How was your trip to the countryside?

Ryan: Overall, it was wonderful, but it started out terribly.

Angela: What happened in the beginning?

Ryan: We ran out of gas on our way there.

Angela: Didn't the gas light come on?

Ryan: It came on, but we were talking and having such a good time that I didn't notice it.

Angela: So, what happened after you ran out of gas?

Ryan: We were in the middle of nowhere and there was no cell phone service. We had to walk about 3 miles to the nearest gas station.

Angela: That's awful. Did you have to walk back too?

Ryan: No, we didn't have to walk back. Luckily, the owner of the gas station was a nice guy, and he gave us a ride back to our car.