Look forward to


Speak as Trisha
Speak as Erin
Trisha: Are you looking forward to your business trip next week?

Erin: No, I'm not. I hate traveling on business. On top of that, I have to meet with over 10 clients in 3 days. I'm going to be so busy.

Trisha: I never get to travel on business. It sounds like fun to me.

Erin: Going on business trips sounds like fun, but in reality, it's just tiring and hard.

Trisha: So, I guess you are just looking forward to coming home from your business trip.

Erin: You're right about that. I never look forward to going on a business trip, but I always look forward to coming home.

Trisha: I still don't really understand. I hate being stuck in this office all day. I'd love to get a chance to do some work outside of the office.

Erin: Be careful what you wish for.