A Train Wreck


Speak as Devin
Speak as Nick
Devin: How has Bill been doing lately?

Nick: To be honest, he hasn't been doing well. Getting divorced really hurt him.

Devin: What's going on with him?

Nick: He is just a train wreck right now. He isn't doing a good job at work. He isn't spending enough time with his kids. He is also drinking too much, and he isn't taking care of his health.

Devin: He really is a train wreck. It's worse than I thought. When I first heard that he was getting divorced, I thought he would be okay because he is such a positive guy.

Nick: I thought the same thing too, but we were wrong. He is not doing well.

Devin: We should do something to help him.

Nick: Let's take him out this weekend for lunch and some physical activity.

Devin: Sounds good. Let's talk about this more tomorrow.