A Party Pooper


Speak as Kyle
Speak as Angela
Kyle: It is getting late. I think that we should all go home. We all need to work tomorrow.

Angela: Don't be a party pooper. Everybody is having a good time.

Kyle: We are having a good time now, but if we stay out later, then we will all be tired tomorrow.

Angela: Let's not worry about tomorrow. Let's enjoy the moment.

Kyle: If you do that, you will regret it.

Angela: Come on, Kyle. You don't always have to be so responsible. Stay out later with us.

Kyle: I'm going to pass. I don't want to be tired tomorrow. I'm going to head home. You should too.

Angela: I will soon. I'm just going to stay out a little longer. Have a nice night, I'll see you in the morning.

Kyle: Alright. See you tomorrow.