A Chatterbox


Speak as Nick
Speak as Stephen
Nick: I'm going to move my desk.

Stephen: Why? You have one of the best seats. You are right next to the window.

Nick: I can't stand sitting next to Janice anymore.

Stephen: What's wrong with Janice?

Nick: Janice is a nice person, but she is a chatterbox. She never stops talking. It is impossible for me to get anything done.

Stephen: Actually, I have noticed that, too. She talks even when she has nothing to say.

Nick: Right! And she also tells the same stories over and over again. This week, she has told me the same story about her husband hurting his hand 3 times.

Stephen: Do you think she knows that she does that?

Nick: I don't know, but if I hear that story about her husband one more time, I'm going to lose my mind.