A Big Spender


Speak as Trisha
Speak as Erin
Trisha: Did you see that Carly bought a new designer handbag?

Erin: I'm not surprised. She buys a new handbag like five times a year.

Trisha: She is a big spender.

Erin: It seems like a waste of money to me.

Trisha: By the way, she is going to join us for lunch today.

Erin: Seriously, does she have to?

Trisha: I already told her that she could join us. Do you have a problem with her?

Erin: Not really. I just don't want to hear her talk about her new bag for the whole lunch.

Trisha: Well, if it makes you feel any better, she will probably pay for lunch.

Erin: That's a good point. She is a big spender, but she is also quite generous with her money.