What's up?


Speak as Devin
Speak as Ryan
Devin: What's up?

Ryan: Nothing much. What's up with you?

Devin: I got two tickets to the baseball game for tonight, but the friend that I was going to go with just canceled. Do you want to go?

Ryan: I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I would still like to go.

Devin: Great. And don't worry because you don't need to be a big fan of baseball to enjoy the game.

Ryan: Actually, I've never been to a baseball game, so I am kind of excited.

Devin: That will make it even more fun. I will meet you outside of your apartment at 6 pm. Is that okay?

Ryan: 6 pm? Isn't that late for a baseball game?

Devin: It is a night game.

Ryan: That's even better. I'll see you then. And thank you for inviting me.