Fair Enough.


Speak as Erin
Speak as Devin
Erin: I need to use the car today.

Devin: I need it, too. Yesterday, you told me that you didn't need it.

Erin: Something came up at work, and now, I need to go in.

Devin: Well, what are we going to do?

Erin: What time do you need the car?

Devin: I need it this afternoon. I have to run some errands.

Erin: Okay, well, how about you drop me off at work, and then, you can run your errands? Finally, I'll call you when I'm done with work, and you can pick me up.

Devin: If I do that, I've got to drive all the way across town twice.

Erin: If you do it, I'll cook your favorite food for you tonight.

Devin: Fair enough. I'm ready to leave whenever you are.

Erin: Give me 10 minutes.