Warm up to something


Speak as Angela
Speak as Trisha
Angela: I heard that you adopted a dog a couple weeks ago.

Trisha: That's right. We adopted a 2-year old dog from the animal shelter.

Angela: I was thinking about doing that too. How is it going for you?

Trisha: To be honest, it was hard at first. The dog has some trauma because of bad experiences it had with people. So, at first, the dog didn't trust us. It ran away every time my husband or I went near it.

Angela: That's sad. What about now?

Trisha: Now, the dog is starting to warm up to us. It feels more comfortable around us, and it will sometimes let us touch and pet it.

Angela: That's good to hear.

Trisha: I recommend that you get a dog from the shelter, too. It can be hard at first, but it is very rewarding because you are helping an animal that truly needs your help.

Angela: You make a good point. I'm going to think it about seriously.