Play it Safe


Speak as Klay
Speak as Wendy
Klay: I know about this exciting investment opportunity. Are you interested?

Wendy: No. I don't like to invest my money. I prefer to keep it in the bank or put it in a mutual fund that I trust.

Klay: Why? You need to take some risks if you want to make money.

Wendy: A lot of people tell me that, but I prefer to play it safe. It gives me less stress, and it lets me budget and plan for the future. If I invest, then I can't be sure how much money I will have in the future.

Klay: I see your point, but if you make smart investments then you can have even more money in the future.

Wendy: I know. I have thought a lot about it, but I think that I am just the type of person who prefers to play it safe when it comes to money. It's just better for me.

Klay: I completely understand. If you ever change your mind, let me know.

Wendy: You'll be the first person I talk to if I change my mind.