Plan ahead


Speak as Jacob
Speak as Kyle
Jacob: What are you working on?

Kyle: I am planning for my next sales presentation.

Jacob: But you just finished your last presentation yesterday. Your next presentation is not until next month.

Kyle: I like to plan ahead. It gives me time to come up with some ideas and get everything organized.

Jacob: I am the opposite of you. I don't plan ahead well. I work best when I have a tight deadline. The stress from a deadline makes me work harder and focus more on my work.

Kyle: I've noticed that is your style. I don't get how you do it. I hate getting stress from deadlines. I almost always finish my work 2 or 3 days before a deadline.

Jacob: You know, I don't think there is anything wrong with either of our styles. I think that different people have different working styles.

Kyle: You're right. To each their own.