Be out of it


Speak as Rachel
Speak as Tony
Rachel: Are you okay today, Tony? Our boss asked you two questions at the meeting today, and you didn't know the answer to either question. You almost always have an answer for every question.

Tony: I'm okay. I'm just out of it today.

Rachel: Why are you out of it today? Did you drink last night?

Tony: No, I didn't go out last night, and I didn't stay up late either. I've just felt strange since I woke up. It's like my head is foggy, and I can't think clearly today.

Rachel: That sometimes happens to me too. It's the strangest thing.

Tony: I know. I might take off early today and go home. Maybe, if I get some extra rest today, I will feel fresher tomorrow.

Rachel: Actually, you should exercise. I heard that exercise is the best way to feel better when you feel out of it.

Tony: Thanks. I'll try that.