Cut somebody Slack


Speak as Suzy
Speak as Klay
Suzy: Why didn't you finish the report? You knew the due date was today.

Klay: I was just overloaded with things to do. I didn't have enough time to finish, but I will be able to finish by the end of the day.

Suzy: I'm tired of your excuses. You need to manage your time better, so you can finish your work before the deadline.

Klay: Suzy, you need to cut me some slack. I'm trying my best. I have so many clients to take care of and work to do. It is impossible for me to finish it all. I will finish the report as soon as possible and give it to you.

Suzy: You ask me to cut you some slack, but you are the only person who this happens to. Other people have the same amount of work, but they manage to finish on time.

Klay: I guess we just have different working styles. Anyway, I'm sorry the work is late, and I'll get it to you soon.

Suzy: Fine.