Talk into


Speak as Pete
Speak as Stacey
Pete: I just bought a dog.

Stacey: Really? Your wife let you get a dog.

Pete: At first, she didn't want to get a dog, but I talked her into getting a puppy.

Stacey: How did you talk her into it?

Pete: I told her that it would good for our children, and it would teach them about responsibility. I also showed her some recent studies that show that dogs reduce stress in children and make them happier.

Stacey: That was a smart approach. I wish I could get a dog.

Pete: Why don't you? You could talk your husband into it if you tried.

Stacey: That's impossible. My husband is allergic to dogs. If he is near a dog, he starts to sneeze and his nose starts to run.

Pete: That's too bad.